Victoria Road Surgery

one review

One reviewer recommends Victoria Road Surgery

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GP surgery

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Anonymous   2 months ago

Thu 13 06 2024

Victoria Road Surgery is truly one of the best practices I’ve ever been to! After years of trying different surgeries, I’ve finally found one that stands out for its helpfulness and exceptional service.

The reception staff are wonderful—they consistently go above and beyond to address any queries or concerns. They’re understanding, knowledgeable, and always willing to assist in any way possible. My past experiences with receptionists at other surgeries haven’t always been positive, but this is certainly not the case here. It’s clear the team has received excellent training.

While appointments at the surgery can sometimes be difficult to secure, the receptionists are able to book appointments at nearby surgeries within walking distance, which is incredibly convenient. This ensures I can still see a doctor even when availability at the main surgery is limited.

The doctors provide outstanding care and handle any issues with sensitivity and professionalism. I feel completely at ease discussing any concerns with them, even those I might initially find embarrassing. They are always willing to go the extra mile to address my concerns and provide honest, transparent information about referrals and waiting times.

The practice manager has also been incredibly helpful and approachable. When I had an issue with missing paperwork, the reception team advised me to email my concern, and I was pleasantly surprised to receive a call from the practice manager within just two hours. She handled the matter professionally, promptly investigating the issue with the medical secretary and ensuring the situation was resolved. It was evident from our conversation that she genuinely cares about the well-being of the patients.

Overall, I highly recommend Victoria Road Surgery to anyone seeking excellent care and service. The entire team is friendly, supportive, and truly dedicated to their patients. I can confidently say there’s no better surgery in the area.

I recommend Victoria Road Surgery

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