Tyrrell Art Gallery


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We specialise in original works from international contemporary artists..

Founded in 2008, Tyrrell Art Gallery is an independent online gallery based in Cambridge, UK, with an additional office in Exeter. We specialize in showcasing original works by both national and international contemporary artists. Our website continues to expand, regularly featuring new talent such as Alex Caird, Alexander Lozovoy, Allan Storer, Alvaro Daza, Andrea Ehret, Caia Matheson, Chisato Yamada, Claudia Meyer, Clotilde Nadel, Cristina Bergoglio, David Bennison, Denys Sabaldash, Eelco Maan, Ekrem Kutlu, Ella Prakash, Ernestine Tahedl, Estelle Chojnicki, Fintan Whelan, Gerard Tunney, and Gregg Simpson.

Keywords: Exhibitions     Artworks     Contemporary art     Online gallery

3 Nuttings Road Cambridge  Cambridgeshire  England  CB1 3HU 

 Art gallery

Created 2 months ago

Updated 2 months ago

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