Tesco Insurance


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One reviewer recommends Tesco Insurance

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Kevin   1 day ago

Mon 06 Jan 2025

I was pleasantly surprised when renewing my home insurance with Tesco this year. Their team was friendly, intuitive, and offered me a very competitive price.

Earlier, I had tried using a comparison site recommended by MSE, but it turned out to be a waste of time. The platform was too general in its approach and flooded with overpriced results. When I emailed MSE for clarification on a poorly-worded question, the response came from an AI system that felt like a throwback to a clunky 1990s chatbot—unhelpful and frankly insulting to the intelligence of the customer.

In contrast, dealing with a real, live, helpful human at Tesco, specifically 'Ben,' was a refreshing experience. For anyone convinced that AI is the future, I’d suggest stepping outside the tech bubble and experiencing the value of genuine human interaction.

I recommend Tesco Insurance

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