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Updated 3 weeks ago

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Josh   3 weeks ago


Tesco services / Self checkout and online store

Tesco stands out as my top choice for weekly shopping due to its excellent customer service, friendly environment, and competitive prices. The Clubcard discounts are a fantastic bonus, making it even more affordable. Whenever I can't find something at Aldi, Tesco always has what I need. I often recommend Tesco to my friends because of its high-quality products, reasonable prices, and welcoming atmosphere.

My experiences with the self-service checkouts have generally been positive, although occasional delays occur when items need to be de-tagged or there’s a weight issue on the till.

We did encounter an issue with an online order once, where items like Chobani yogurts and red peppers were listed as out of stock despite the store having them. That was frustrating, but it’s been a rare occurrence.

Overall, I’m very satisfied with the service, particularly the helpful security staff and a few friendly checkout assistants (though I’m terrible with names!). Tesco remains my go-to store, and I’ll keep shopping there as long as the doors stay open!

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