Strensham Road Surgery

one review

One reviewer not happy with Strensham Road Surgery

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GP surgery

Created 2 months ago

Updated 2 months ago

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Anon   2 months ago

Fri 12 07 2024

The receptionist at this practice is the most unprofessional I have ever encountered—condescending, lacking empathy, and completely dismissive over the phone. The reception office itself is chaotic, with staff laughing and speaking so loudly in the background that it was difficult to even hear the receptionist during my call.

The only reason many people continue to visit this GP is due to the availability of Arabic-speaking doctors, which helps overcome language barriers. However, the unprofessional behavior of the reception staff severely tarnishes the reputation of the entire practice. The way they speak to patients is completely unacceptable.

What’s even more frustrating is that 90% of the reviews mention the same issues, yet no action seems to have been taken to address them. If you have the option, I would strongly recommend finding another practice.

I am not happy with Strensham Road Surgery

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