St Catherine's Surgery

one review

One reviewer recommends St Catherine's Surgery

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GP surgery

Created 1 month ago

Updated 1 month ago

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Michael   1 month ago

Thu 17 08 2023

I have been a patient at this practice for over 20 years, during which time I’ve presented them with some complex medical situations—each of which they have handled brilliantly. Throughout my experience, I have never felt judged by any member of staff, from the reception team to the GPs.

The regular doctors and nurses I see know me by name and always take a moment to say hello, even if I’m not booked in with them that day. They are warm, professional, and genuinely care about their patients. My medication reviews are always conducted on time, I receive prompt calls regarding test results, and appointments are scheduled when a GP needs to follow up with me. If I ever need to cancel, they are always understanding and accommodating.

I have complete confidence in their care and expertise, and I am incredibly grateful for the respect and support they have shown me over the years.

For those frustrated about appointment availability, it’s important to recognise the immense pressure the NHS is under in these uncertain times. The staff here are doing their absolute best with the resources available, and I believe they deserve patience and appreciation rather than criticism.

I recommend St Catherine's Surgery

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