Pendleton Medical Centre

one review

One reviewer recommends Pendleton Medical Centre

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GP surgery

Created 1 month ago

Updated 1 month ago

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Victor   1 month ago

Fri 20 12 2024

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone at Pendleton Gateway for the exceptional care and support I have received over the past two years. Since joining the practice, I’ve felt genuinely cared for and truly listened to.

A special thanks to Dr. McLaughlin, Dr. Hydar, and Dr. Saad for their unwavering professionalism, compassion, and patience during my appointments. I am particularly grateful to Dr. Adeyeye for ensuring my persistent complaints were thoroughly reassessed and for managing my referrals so seamlessly.

I’d also like to thank the administrative staff—Sam, Elaine, Karolina, Susan, and Vanessa—for always arranging my appointments so efficiently. A big thank you to Maria for delivering the positive news about my recent blood results and progress, and to Miss Marzena for being so warm and kind during my blood tests.

While I may not have mentioned everyone by name, please consider this review as an acknowledgment of the entire team at PMC.

Your dedication, kindness, and efficiency have had a profoundly positive impact on my health and well-being, and I cannot thank you enough. I’m truly grateful to have such an outstanding GP practice supporting me.

Thank you for everything you do—God bless you all!

I recommend Pendleton Medical Centre

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