Paddington Green Health Centre

one review

One reviewer recommends Paddington Green Health Centre

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GP surgery

Created 1 month ago

Updated 1 month ago

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Anonymous   1 month ago

Wed 18 01 2023

I was seen on two occasions recently regarding an ongoing health issue. After initial phone consultations, I was promptly scheduled for in-surgery appointments. I was impressed by the swift response, especially given how busy the surgery was. Both GP consultations were thorough and helped to some extent in easing my concerns.

However, the environment felt small and a bit impersonal, which heightened my anxiety during the clinical examinations. I understand this may be due to COVID infection control measures, but it did contribute to my unease. While both doctors were kind and thorough, during the second consultation, I felt less understood and sensed a lack of the same level of empathy I’ve experienced in the past. My own anxiety likely played a role, and I also felt the doctor may have been under pressure due to the surgery being so busy. Although I left medically reassured, I remained uncertain about the outcome of my ongoing issues.

I was later seen by another GP who, while very thorough, was not my regular doctor. This disconnect affected me emotionally, as I didn’t feel the same continuity or understanding. While I understand the constraints of a busy practice, the experience felt more clinical and detached. I became upset during the consultation, and though I appreciate the efforts of the doctor, it left me reflecting on how my own anxiety might impact my experiences and how best to address it.

I do want to emphasise that I deeply appreciate this surgery, its staff, and the medical care provided. Despite this momentary lapse, I continue to feel fortunate to be a patient here. My regular GPs have always been attentive, kind, and thorough, and I am grateful for all they do.

I recognise that continuity of care isn’t always possible, but I believe it plays an important role in follow-ups and long-term treatment. It’s vital for patients to feel they can express concerns about persistent symptoms, whether physical or emotional, and to have those concerns investigated thoroughly. Mind and body are undoubtedly interconnected, and both deserve equal attention.

Thank you to the team and particularly to my regular GPs for your dedication and care. On the whole, I remain satisfied with the treatment I receive and feel fortunate to be under the care of this practice.

I recommend Paddington Green Health Centre

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