Muller Mode

one review

One reviewer not happy with Muller Mode

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Clothing store

Created 14 hours ago

Updated 14 hours ago

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Emma   14 hours ago

Wed 15 01 2025

This fashion company is incredibly misleading. Their website looks polished and is entirely in German, leading you to believe it’s a German-based business. The clothing items appear stylish and are priced on the higher side, giving the impression of good quality. I ordered a pair of trousers for an event, expecting delivery within a week. To my disappointment, they took over four weeks to arrive because they were actually shipped from CHINA! Upon investigating further, I discovered the company isn’t even German—it’s based in the Netherlands.

When I tried to return the trousers, I found out that return shipping costs aren’t covered. The cheapest tracked return option to China cost nearly 40€! Why should the customer have to bear this expense?

I feel completely deceived and ripped off. Had I known the products were made and shipped from China, I would never have placed the order. This experience has been absolutely shocking.

Save yourself the trouble and avoid this company at all costs!

I am not happy with Muller Mode

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