Knightsbridge Medical Centre

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GP surgery

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Updated 1 month ago

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Jolanta   1 month ago

Tue 17 09 2024

The first time I contacted the practice, I was told to wait for a call from the doctor in the early morning. However, the call came at 2:30 PM, and I missed it. The voicemail from the doctor stated they had tried calling several times, but I hadn’t answered. I called back after a long wait and was told the doctor would call again soon. The second call never came, and the receptionist responded with an unpleasant attitude. Finally, at 5:50 PM, the doctor called and asked if I could come to the practice. I said yes, but they quickly backtracked, saying the receptionist would be leaving soon, and I had to rebook for another time.

When I eventually managed to see the doctor, I confronted them about the confusion, only to learn it was a different doctor who had called previously. It was clear to me that the practice was making excuses and providing inconsistent information. From the reception staff to the doctors, I felt there was a lack of care and support. The entire experience was frustrating and unprofessional.

On a later occasion, I received a voicemail about my blood test results, which only stated, “Your test results are fine.” Whenever I’ve needed help, I’ve been met with an unhelpful attitude. Trying to book appointments has been a nightmare, with receptionists shouting at me and insisting I wait for the doctor’s call despite my inability to wait around all day. After much effort, I finally secured an appointment, but when I tried to book a future one in person, I was told to call on the day instead, as per management’s request.

It feels like an uphill battle to get the care I need. The staff's attitude and the unhelpful service are deeply disappointing. Based on reviews, it seems many other patients share similar negative experiences. I’m left wondering how this level of service is allowed to continue and why no one is investigating this practice. I would like to know where I can file a formal complaint to ensure this practice is seriously scrutinized.

Visited September 2024.

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