
one review

One reviewer recommends Indesit

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Appliance store

Created 2 months ago

Updated 2 months ago

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Ian   2 months ago

Fri 27 12 2024

Ryan, the engineer, arrived promptly within the scheduled time frame and did an excellent job repairing our washer-dryer. He took the time to explain everything he was doing and replaced the necessary parts with brand-new ones. Ryan also kindly showed me how to use the dryer function, something I’ve struggled with as I’m disabled.

I’m absolutely thrilled with the service provided this morning—Ryan deserves a full 5-star rating for his professionalism and patience.

Thank you so much, Ryan!

(Note: I’m writing this on behalf of my girlfriend, Janet Siddaway, who is the one with the disability.)

I recommend Indesit

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