Greet Medical Practice

one review

One reviewer not happy with Greet Medical Practice

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GP surgery

Created 2 months ago

Updated 2 months ago

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Anonymous   2 months ago

Wed 14 06 2023

I called the surgery 177 times in one morning, trying desperately to secure an appointment. After hearing "we cannot connect your call" 177 times, I finally gave up without success.

The appointment system, which opens the phone lines at 8 am and quickly becomes overwhelmed, is an awful ordeal for patients who are already feeling unwell. When I eventually got through at 11 am, I was told it was impossible to book for the following day and that I’d need to try again at 8 am the next morning. Feeling so unwell, I didn’t even have the energy to argue with such an absurd process.

To make matters worse, the practice manager has closed the reception area, forcing patients to queue at an outdoor window—often in the rain and standing in a ditch. It’s hard to believe such a setup exists in this day and age.

If you do manage to secure an appointment, be aware that the GP will spend the first five minutes reminding you that they only have 15 minutes, insisting you focus on just one symptom. Gone are the days when doctors listened with compassion and worked collaboratively with patients to address their concerns.

My experience at this surgery has been the complete opposite of what healthcare should be. There is no compassion, no understanding, and no sense of care. It feels as though the goal is simply to rush you out the door as quickly as possible.

I implore the practice to overhaul its appointment system for the sake of patients’ health and well-being. This system is not just inefficient; it’s inhumane.

Visited June 2023.

I am not happy with Greet Medical Practice

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