Gray's Inn Medical Group Vauxhall

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GP surgery

Created 1 month ago

Updated 1 month ago

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Mariella   1 month ago

Thu 16 11 2023

In November, I contacted the surgery to request my medical records and was advised to email their admin NHS email address. Weeks passed without any response, so I called and spoke to a very abrupt receptionist who lacked basic customer service skills. She claimed I should never have emailed, despite being instructed to do so by another member of the team weeks earlier. She insisted the email address was for NHS purposes only and that my email would have bounced—but it hadn’t. When I explained this, her tone became even worse.

For context, I regularly use email for work and am more than capable of handling such tasks. Her attitude was completely uncalled for, rude, and showed no compassion. I was simply trying to access my own medical records, which should not have been as difficult as it was.

Eventually, I did receive my records through the email address I was originally told to use, proving it was the correct process all along. It’s disappointing that one member of the reception team was so rude and unhelpful, tarnishing what could have been a straightforward experience.

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