Furniture Nation

5/2 reviews

2 reviewers recommend Furniture Nation

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Furniture manufacturer

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Lisa   1 day ago

Thu 13 03 2025

This is our second kitchen from Furniture Nation. The units are exquisitely crafted, aligning perfectly and coming well-prepared for painting. The delivery, service, and sales experience have all been outstanding as well.

I recommend Furniture Nation

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Mari   1 month ago

Fri 31 05 2024

I’m absolutely thrilled with my units! Not only were they ready well ahead of the quoted lead time, but every query I’ve had since my purchase has been handled with exceptional efficiency—even accommodating a last-minute change to the delivery address to my workplace. The delivery driver was fantastic, keeping me updated on his progress and kindly helping to load the units into my car. The units themselves are excellent quality—solid, sturdy, and well-crafted. It’s so refreshing to find a company that genuinely cares about its customers even after the sale is complete. I would highly recommend them!

I recommend Furniture Nation

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