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C. L.   1 day ago

Wed 12 03 2025

There are far too many spam accounts on the platform. If you respond to an offer, you’ll find about 10 automated accounts placing bids within a minute, often before you even get a chance. Why impose limits on bids for work? Essentially, if you want to bid more, you have to pay. And since most "hiring" individuals don’t respond, you end up paying for the chance to potentially get no reply at all. Given the amount of traffic their website receives, they could easily generate revenue through ads instead. I did secure two job offers through this platform years ago, but the experience has significantly declined since then. The gaps between opportunities were so inconsistent that I wouldn’t consider this platform reliable. On top of that, once you create an account, you’re bombarded with messages from Freelancer staff pushing you to pay for certifications. No, thank you. To make matters worse, the constant stream of notifications creates an overwhelming sense of potential work, even though you know you’re unlikely to get a response 99% of the time.

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