
2.5/2 reviews

One reviewer not happy with Fiverr

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The Mage   6 days ago

Sun 02 03 2025

Fiverr is currently my primary source of income and, without a doubt, the best platform for freelancers. However, the two-week payment hold is frustrating. I’d prefer paying a fee for instant access to funds or at least the seven-day option, but unfortunately, that’s only available with Seller Plus.

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Hasan   1 month ago

Sat 11 01 2025

Working with Fiverr has been both frustrating and disheartening for sellers like me. While the platform emphasizes client satisfaction, it often overlooks fairness and support for sellers. Unfortunately, this imbalance allows dishonest clients to exploit the system. They cancel orders without valid reasons, file unjust reports, and Fiverr frequently sides with them without conducting thorough investigations.

Over the past two years, I worked hard to establish my reputation on Fiverr, consistently delivering quality work. However, a recent incident completely shattered my trust. A client, who had already received far more than what was agreed upon in the original order, demanded additional work beyond the scope. When I politely declined, they retaliated by reporting my account. Fiverr responded by banning my account without offering any explanation or opportunity for me to present my side of the story.

This experience has been devastating. Years of dedication, effort, and hard work were wiped out in a matter of days. To make matters worse, the client in question was a Fiverr-selected client, and it seemed their claims were accepted without any verification or consideration of my perspective.

Fiverr's handling of such situations feels deeply unfair to sellers. The platform has created an environment where sellers are left vulnerable to exploitation and false accusations, rather than fostering a balanced and supportive space for both clients and sellers.

I am not happy with Fiverr

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