Fitzrovia Medical Centre

one review

One reviewer recommends Fitzrovia Medical Centre

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GP surgery

Created 2 months ago

Updated 2 months ago

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Zoe   2 months ago

Thu 11 01 2024

It's no secret that the NHS is under immense pressure, yet this practice has improved significantly over the past few years. They’ve found innovative ways to navigate challenges, ensuring patients can see a doctor in emergencies (either at this practice or a nearby one) while maintaining a personal touch for longer-term issues.

The recently introduced telephone system for emergency care is particularly impressive. It eliminates the need to sit in a waiting room for over an hour with other unwell individuals, and the callback system is both efficient and practical.

The reception staff deserve special mention for their kindness and ability to remain calm under pressure. They consistently aim to find solutions, and I’m genuinely amazed that one staff member even remembers my name, despite my infrequent visits!

The doctors’ care and attention have been nothing short of extraordinary. While I won’t name names, two doctors, in particular, have been a tremendous source of support during one of the toughest years of my life.

This practice, and its entire team, go above and beyond with a level of humanity that was lacking years ago under a different team. Their dedication is evident, and I wholeheartedly recommend this practice to others.

I recommend Fitzrovia Medical Centre

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