Fitness 4 Life Gym

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One reviewer recommends Fitness 4 Life Gym

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Hash   4 weeks ago

Wed 05 Aug 2020 - present

A great local independent gym that stands apart from typical high-street chains—so adjust your expectations accordingly. It offers a solid range of equipment, making it ideal for those who want to focus and train without distractions.

While some members could be better about things like re-racking weights (not the gym's fault), the facility is generally clean and well-maintained. It’s very reasonably priced, with flexible options for longer memberships or monthly plans, and no joining fees.

The gym features a boxing ring, a matted area, and additional classes for adults and kids led by instructors (at extra cost). It’s a male-only gym, and membership includes three free circuit/boxing classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays from 10 AM to 11 AM.

Overall, I’d recommend this gym for its straightforward, no-frills environment, though it may not suit everyone’s preferences.

I recommend Fitness 4 Life Gym

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