Dingle Park Practice


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One reviewer recommends Dingle Park Practice

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GP surgery

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Margaret   1 month ago

Wed 13 12 2023

My brother fell seriously ill on Christmas Eve, collapsing during the night and spending 9–10 hours on the floor, unable to get up or call for help. On the morning after Boxing Day, at 08:00, I contacted Dingle Park, explaining that he didn’t want to go to hospital but had a high temperature, a severe cough, and cuts and bruises from the fall.

Within minutes, a doctor called me back to gather more details and assured me that someone would visit him. True to their word, within four hours, a doctor and an associate arrived, carried out a thorough examination, took several samples for lab testing, and prescribed antibiotics. They also provided clear advice on how best to care for him and reassured us that further support was available if needed.

The care and compassion shown by the team at Dingle Park were outstanding. Their service was truly exemplary, and I don’t believe they could have done more. The doctor continued to follow up with several phone calls in the days and weeks that followed, ensuring my brother’s recovery was progressing well.

As a family, we are incredibly grateful for the professionalism, kindness, and dedication of the staff at Dingle Park.

I recommend Dingle Park Practice

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