Curley Locks Locksmiths

one review

One reviewer recommends Curley Locks Locksmiths

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24-Hour Emergency Locksmith in Cardiff.

We provide a 24 hour, 7 day a week emergency lock out, lock replacement and insurance upgrade service at an affordable price.

We specialize in burglary prevention, non destructive door opening and Upvc door repairs and are fully trained on insurance requirements and fire regulations.

Keywords: Door security     Lock change     Security Check     No fix no fee

Unit 17 Fairwater Workshops Norbury Road Cardiff  Wales  CF5 3BG 


Created 6 months ago

Updated 6 months ago

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Terry   2 months ago

Sat 22 04 2023

Absolutely fantastic service by Curley Locks Locksmiths , called at 9. 50am on a Sat morning and they were here in less than 20 mins. They solved the issue quick, I highly recommend them.

I recommend Curley Locks Locksmiths

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