Captain Fantastic Children's Parties

5/3 reviews

3 reviewers recommend Captain Fantastic Children's Parties

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hanna   1 month ago

Sat 25 01 2025

Jess was absolutely amazing at our 6-year-old's UV disco party! She kept all the kids engaged and having a blast from start to finish, and we received so many wonderful comments from the other parents. Jess was friendly, organized, and an absolute pleasure to have running the party.

I recommend Captain Fantastic Children's Parties

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Danielle   2 months ago

Sun 29 12 2024

Nefyn was the highlight of my son's 5th birthday party, handling all the entertainment seamlessly. We chose a mix of music, dancing, and magic tricks, and he delivered beyond expectations! All 28 children had an incredible time, and he even got the parents involved at one point, which made the event even more memorable. Thank you so much for making the day so special—I’ll cherish the memories forever. I highly recommend Nefyn's services to anyone planning a celebration!

I recommend Captain Fantastic Children's Parties

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Andrea   3 months ago

Mon 09 12 2024

A huge thank you, Ed, for being the most amazing party entertainer! You were absolutely fantastic! I’ll definitely be recommending you to everyone! Both the kids and adults had an incredible time. You made sure the party was perfectly organized and kept all the children thoroughly entertained. Amelia’s 8th Birthday Party was truly the best ever! Thank you so much again! xxx

I recommend Captain Fantastic Children's Parties

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