Burley Park Medical Centre


one review

One reviewer recommends Burley Park Medical Centre

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GP surgery

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Grateful Mum   1 week ago

Fri 05 04 2024

My son has complex medical, mental, and social needs, yet the care he has received from this practice has been outstanding. Despite being a challenging patient at times, the treatment he has received here far surpasses anything we've experienced at other surgeries.

Every member of the team—nurses, doctors, and admin staff—has been exceptional, demonstrating genuine compassion and dedication to their patients. The nurses provided regular care for his vascular ulcer dressings, a task that isn’t the most pleasant, yet they always approached it with kindness and professionalism.

Perhaps it’s because this practice is relatively small, but their personalized approach truly makes a difference. Unfortunately, my son is no longer within their catchment area and has had to register elsewhere. However, if you have the opportunity to join this practice, consider yourself lucky and appreciate the incredible team.

A huge thank you to everyone at Burley Park for the exceptional care and support!

I recommend Burley Park Medical Centre

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