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Appliance store

Created 1 month ago

Updated 1 month ago

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Ali   1 month ago

Terrible Customer Service – Refused to Cancel My Membership

The delivery and installation were fine, but when I tried to cancel my membership, they refused. The initial payment card was in my mother’s name, yet they never asked to speak to her when taking the payment! Now, suddenly, for “security reasons,” they insist on speaking to her to process the cancellation.

Unfortunately, she is no longer well enough to talk, but they showed no compassion and still refused to cancel. They had no issue taking the payment without any security checks, yet when I want to stop it, they suddenly become overly strict about security.

Thankfully, the card has expired—otherwise, they would have continued charging me despite my attempt to cancel within the correct timeframe. Absolutely awful service. Avoid their so-called “membership savings” because you might struggle to cancel. They hide behind “security” when it suits them but had no concerns when taking the money.

Response to their reply: The membership was in my name, only the payment card was my mother’s. I was trying to cancel my membership, but they still refused.

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