Alo Yoga

one review

One reviewer not happy with Alo Yoga

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Grace   1 month ago

Sat 18 01 2025

This was my third visit to the Alo Bloor Street location in Toronto. I even left a positive review two months ago, mentioning how impressed I was with the great service despite the poor reviews this location had received. Unfortunately, today was a completely different experience.

I spotted a sweet pink Agolde piece on display, which was the last one in the store. I asked an employee if she could remove it for me. She said she needed to check if she could do that and suggested I try the black version on instead, explaining they didn’t want to remove the display item unless I was certain. I agreed but told her I would purchase it regardless. She said okay, so I went to the fitting room to try it on.

While I was in the fitting room, she sold that last pink item from the display to another customer. I was shocked and approached her to ask why she sold it when I had already said I was buying it. Her response? She told me it was because I was being "bitchy." I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

I brought this up with the manager, who said she would speak with the employee (Wantana). However, the employee didn’t even allow me to explain the situation during the discussion with the manager. While the manager tried to handle the situation calmly, I am now seriously considering pursuing legal action against this employee. This behaviour was completely unacceptable.

I am not happy with Alo Yoga

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