Acocks Green Medical Centre

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GP surgery

Created 2 months ago

Updated 2 months ago

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Lima   2 months ago

Sat 04 02 2023

Frustrating Experience at My Doctor's Surgery I recently had a doctor's appointment, and unfortunately, the entire process has been nothing short of chaotic. The doctor sent my prescription to the in-house pharmacy, but when I collected it, part of my prescription had someone else's name on the label. I was told to return the next day for the remainder of my medication.

When I went back the following day, the rest of my prescription was still not ready. Instead, I was given the same medication I’d already received the previous day, once again with instructions to return tomorrow. This time, I was handed a slip for the outstanding medication, but the name on it was wrong again!

Additionally, during my appointment, the doctor advised me to book a follow-up appointment in two weeks. However, when I went to reception, I was told to come back next week because no appointments were available to book yet.

On top of that, I requested my medical records over three weeks ago and hadn’t received any response. After following up, I was finally sent a form to complete, which I returned the same day. Yet, when I inquired again, they claimed I hadn’t sent it back. Only after some back and forth did they realise I had indeed returned the form, but I was then told it could take up to another week to process.

The level of disorganisation at this surgery is beyond frustrating. I’ve never experienced anything like it before, and I can’t understand how such issues are allowed to persist.

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